
Is My Diamond Real or a Fake?

Buying a diamond is an investment, so you will want to make sure that what you have bought is real. But how can you really know for sure? Here are three ways to determine whether a diamond is real or a fake:

1. Sandpaper Test

Diamonds are one of the hardest materials and therefore are scratch resistant. If you rub sandpaper over the stone and it scratches this means that the diamond is not real.

2. The Fog Test

You can either do this when you are having a shower or just by breathing heavily on the ring. If the stone fogs up this means that it is a fake. This is because real diamonds do not retain heat so will not fog up.


3. Loupe Test

A loupe is a magnifying glass that enables you to take a closer look at the stone you are looking at. When trying to determine whether a diamond is real or not you can do a number of things. The first is to look at the edges of the stone. If these are rounded rather than sharp it generally means that the stone is a fake.


You should also look to see if you can notice any imperfections within the stone. Diamonds are natural so it is likely that you will see slight flaws, whereas fake diamonds are usually perfect as they have been created synthetically.

If you are still unsure whether your diamond is real or fake take it to a separate jeweller than the one you purchased it from who will be able to quickly assess this for you.

Credit: Ritani, Wiki, Business Insider