
Visit Our London or Manchester Showrooms

Book an appointment to visit one of our showrooms.

We’re always really happy to welcome you to one of the Purely Diamonds showrooms.   You will be pleased to know that our showroom prices are identical to those online so the personal service you receive comes at no extra cost.


Situated in Ely Place in Farringdon – a stone’s throw from the world-famous Hatton Garden. 

Our nearest station is Farringdon.  If you book in to see us we will then provide our full address and some directions for you.


Our Manchester showroom can be found in Deansgate and has great connections by train, tram and bus.

Our nearest station is Salford Central.  If you book in to see us we will then provide our full address and some directions for you.

You will be looked after by a one of our team of diamond experts who will take you through the Purely Diamonds range and discuss any specific requirements with you.